Since 2013, 4-H Memorial Camp and Camp Corral have partnered to host Camp Corral summer youth camp for children of military families. We will once again be offering this program at 4-H Memorial Camp in 2025!
Camp Corral
Mission: Transforming the lives of children of wounded, ill, and fallen military heroes through the power of summer camp, family camp, advocacy and enrichment programs.
About Camp Corral:
Camp Corral offers recreational programs designed specifically to empower America’s military children to make connections, build coping skills, and increase self-confidence. Created in 2011, Camp Corral has served more than 33,000 military children from every state in the nation. Summer Camp is offered to children (ages 8 to 15) of wounded, ill and fallen military service members and veterans. Camp Corral helps build life skills to empower strong, resilient, independent individuals.
This program is held at a number of youth camps across the United State. To learn more about this program, please visit the Camp Corral website.
While at camp your child can swim, boat, climb the rock wall, make crafts, fish, take hayrack rides, participate in archery, participate in S.T.E.M. activities, hike, make s’mores over a camp fire and so much more! We will have counselors in every cabin with the campers and staff providing programs at Outdoor Education, Waterfront, Recreation, Arts & Crafts, the Climbing Tower and Creation Station (S.T.E.M. activities). You get to choose from a wide selection of activities during parts of the day and participate in whole group activities during other parts. Whether you are with your cabin group, color team, or just hanging out with some of your new friends, there is always plenty of fun things to do!
4-H Memorial Camp, Monticello, IL
July 6-11, 2025
Camp Fee
All Camp Corral campers attend for FREE!
How to apply
Registration will open on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 via the Camp Corral website.
Please contact Camp Corral and we’d be happy to assist you in the application process:
Phone: 885-605-1257
Email: campinfo@campcorral.org
Once accepted, we will email you additional information and paperwork specific to 4-H Memorial Camp.
You do not need to be a 4-H Member to attend this program.
Questions? Please contact Andy Davis ardavis1@illinois.edu or Monika Hammerschmidt hammersc@illinois.edu, (217) 762-2741.