Our 4-H Impact
Young people need more access tonature for better psychological functioning and better physical health.
4-H camping takes place around the state. 4-H Memorial Camp accommodates the largest group of campers with 8,500 visitors over 190 days of use in a typical year.
4-H youth report a greater sense of personal responsibility for the environment because of their camping experiences. 4-H teens serving as counselors express growth in the life skills of patience, teamwork, cooperation, leadership, decision-making, work ethics, teaching, responsibility, and empathy. Family camp lets families make camp memories together.
“Having fun with other people is better than having fun on your phone!”
-Family Camp Youth Participant
Positive Impacts of Camping Experiences
Explore activities not available in their community
Make lifelong friendships
Step outside their comfort zone to try new things
Work as a team for a common goal
Gain outdoor skills
Unplug from technology
Gain independence
Practice environmental stewardship
Explore careers related to nature
Live and play cooperatively with people different from them