Volunteers are the heart of the Illinois 4-H program! Illinois 4-H values the dedication and commitment of our 4-H volunteers. The Illinois 4-H Volunteer Recognition program is designed to recognize outstanding volunteers in Illinois 4-H. 4-H Volunteer recognition will be conducted annually and names will be submitted from county or state 4-H staff as noted per award.

4-H Salute to Excellence Awards
Each year, state 4‑H programs nominate two outstanding individual volunteers through the 4‑H Salute to Excellence Awards. The Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award is given to an individual who has spent 10 or more years as a 4‑H volunteer while the Volunteer of the Year Award is given to an individual who has volunteered for 4‑H less than 10 years.

Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame
Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame inductees have a track record of exemplary service to 4-H or outstanding career and community achievement and are nominated by either county University of Illinois Extension staff or by the Illinois 4-H Foundation Board.