Our 4-H impact
The world’s growing population is putting increased demands on our limited natural resources changing the earth’s climate and future environmental health.
Illinois 4-H youth are learning about the environment through fun activities involving solar and wind energy; water quality and sport fishing; and how carbon sequestration can be related to healthy living actions.
Measurable levels of caring about environmental issues can be made after hands-on 4-H programs which spark interests in why natural resources are important.
"I never understood how the diversity and different levels of plants and insects in the water made the fishing good or bad until I paid attention to the 4-H Bass Fishing program."
Sport fishing 4-H State Fair project show participant
Positive Impacts
lllinois youth participated in the Ag Innovators Experience National 4-H program entitled “Curbing Our Carbon Appetite” which taught lessons on personal food choices and the carbon footprint associated with these choices.
4-H clubs served as "citizen scientists" to gather observations and data on traditional style nesting box vs. a newer modified nesting box to see which one Barred Owls prefer.
County 4-H programs participated in the i-Pollinate project coordinated by the College of ACES Entomology Department to establish and study, then report about their pollinators counts.
"We witnessed students collaborating together, helping each other learn, and an increased willingness to try new ideas."
~Teacher Survey Response, Junior Solar Sprint Program