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4-H Cloverbud Clubs are for younger children age 5 to 7. During club meetings, youth work as a group on projects perfect for their age. Cloverbud clubs can be independent clubs or they may meet at the same time as a 4-H multi-project club. Most Cloverbud activities are leader guided and do not use member books. Enrollment is easy. Simply select “Cloverbud” as your project. Contact your local Extension office to connect with a Cloverbud experience near you!

Who can join 4-H Cloverbuds?

Cloverbuds is an activity that is made for kids ages 5-7 and it's a great introduction to a 4-H club experience serving youth ages 8-18. Community clubs serve youth ages 8-18 so Cloverbuds and 4-H are both great activities that can grow with your child!

What is a Cloverbud?

Illinois 4-H is the largest out-of-school youth organization in Illinois, where you “learn by doing” with fun, hands-on activities that teach skills you can use now and in the future! Cloverbuds is an exploratory program for youth ages 5-7 that helps promote healthy positive youth development and is a great launchpad into a 4-H experience.

When do clubs meet?

Most clubs meet once a month. 4-H members run the meetings, using parliamentary procedure with some help from club leaders. Cloverbuds may have their own club, or may join the larger club for a portion of the meeting before focusing on a special age appropriate activity.

Where are 4-H clubs?

There are 4-H clubs in all 102 counties in Illinois! Cloverbud clubs may meet in a standalone club or part of a 4-H sister club for older youth.

Why Cloverbuds?

Cloverbuds helps kids develop confidence, social skills, decision-making abilities, subject matter knowledge, and physical skills in a safe space that allows for and encourages creativity and play! They will be surrounded by adults that are cheering for their success!

Contact your local Extension Office for a copy of our Cloverbud Activity Book! En Español aquí.

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More resources to help you learn:

  • AerospacePre-Flight Member Book: Cloverbuds will learn to build an edible rocket, compare birds and airplanes, identify aerospace careers, and make a spacecraft.
  • Aerospace Leader Guide
  • Bicycling for Fun: Cloverbuds will learn to identify the parts of their bike, understand traffic signs, and wear safety equipment 
  • Bicycling Helper Guide
  • Embryology 1Activities include identifying parts of an egg, building a candler to examine eggs, building a brooder box, and learning how to incubate eggs.
  • Hatching Classroom Projects Helper's Guide for use with Cloverbuds 
  • Exploring the Treasures of 4-H: Fun, Friends, & Learning Youth Guide: Cloverbuds will learn all about 4-H and discover their personal interests. Learn about your friends and family while you explore the community and hunt for projects.
  • Exploring the Treasures of 4-H Helper's Guide
  • 4-H Cloverbuds Communicative and Expressive ArtsCloverbuds will learn ways we communicate, learn the art of storytelling, express themselves through art and music, and express emotions through dramatic play. Available for download @
  • 4-H Craft Beading: Activities in the 4-H Craft Beading resource include making bubble-bead wands, bead bowls, necklaces, wind chimes, butterflies, pen toppers, and an American flag. Available for download @
  • Farm Animals: Cloverbuds will learn about farm animals, what foods they eat, how to care for animals, and being safe. Cloverbud youth are not allowed to exhibit any live animal as part of their 4-H experience. Livestock exhibition begins when the youth reaches 4-H age of 8.
  • Exploring Farm Animals Helper’s Group Activity Guide 
  • Latino Cultural Arts: Discover Latino culture and help Cloverbuds develop an understanding of the Latino people and their traditional art forms. Activities include making a rain stick, pole puppet, clay pot, piñata, and mural, as well as prepare a Latino recipe.
  • ¡Que Rico! La Cultura Bilingual Helper's Guide 
  • 4-H Cloverbuds Science and Technology Clubs: Cloverbuds will learn about molecules, matter, and chemical reactions; create sound waves; and experiment with laws of motion. Available for download at
  • See Them Sprout: Cloverbuds will plan and plant a garden, grow plants from roots, make a rain gauge, and learn when to harvest vegetables. 
  • Helper’s Guide for Vegetable Gardening
  • Veterinary Science: From Airedales to Zebras: Cloverbuds will learn about different kinds of animals and the role animals have in our world while they begin to understand animal behavior.
  • Helper’s Guide: Veterinary Science   
  • The Big Book of 4-H Cloverbud Activities: Life Skills and Learning for K-2 Youth 
  • Cloverbud Program: Series 2 Curriculum Instructional Materials
  • 4-H Cloverbud Personal Development Leader’s Guide: Available for download @

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