What can teens do in Illinois 4-H?
Illinois 4-H is the place where teens can lead today and tomorrow! Watch the video to hear about leadership opportunities for youth and check out our Teen Leadership page.
Illinois 4-H prepares youth to solve Illinois' problems by producing the leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, stewards, and builders we need. 4-H builds good leaders by giving them safe environments to practice all the skills needed to be successful leaders.

Who can join 4-H?
4-H is the place for all Illinois kids and teens ages 5-18 where you belong and are part of a community!
What is 4-H?
Illinois 4-H is the largest out-of-school youth organization in Illinois, where youth “learn by doing” with fun, hands-on activities that teach skills youth can use now and in the future!
What do you do in a 4-H club meeting?
Meetings are so much more than just meetings! Members are given the opportunity to learn and practice decision-making in group situations. 4-H members attend their club's meetings, and their grown-ups are encouraged to come as well ... 4-H is a family affair! Members plan and carry out what they want to do as a group.
A club meeting has four parts with definite activities in each part and meetings are run using parliamentary procedure.
- Opening: Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge
- Business: Roll call, secretary's report, treasurer’s report, committee reports, old business and new business
- Education: Program, demonstrations, talks and guest speakers
- Fun: Recreation, songs, skits, refreshments and entertainment
Is 4-H in my county?
There are 4-H clubs in all 102 counties in Illinois! Find your local Extension office!
Did you know? 4-H members are…
*As reported from a 10-year 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development.