"Taught me to work well with others and to listen and always be willing to continue to learn."
A.S. '74 , Spoon River College, Farm Machine Technology
Service Management Trainer, Sloan Implement
Favorite 4-H Projects: Livestock, Dairy, Swine, Softball
Did any of your 4-H project skills, experiences or connections help prepare you for your career path?
Working with others, and leadership
What advice do you have for someone who wants to enter your career path?
Get your training and then work your way up the ladder
What did you learn through 4-H that benefits you today?
Winning and losing and dealing with both, and leadership skills
How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills today?
Taught me to work well with others and to listen and always be willing to continue to learn
What advice would you give a current 4-H member?
Listen to the older generation and learn from them and work with current members to learn from them
Do you currently volunteer or have volunteered with the 4-H program? If so, in what capacity.
District 2 Director for Alumni Advisory Committee