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"Always be learning! And 4-H is a great way to do that - try new projects, meet new people, experience new opportunities."

Years in 4-H

B.A. 2003, Bradley University, Journalism & History


Team WTI, Digital Marketing Team Lead

Favorite 4-H Projects: Journalism
As a budding journalist, I loved the journalism projects. I'd serve as my club's reporter, keep notes and then submit our meeting summaries to the local newspaper.

Did any of your 4-H project skills, experiences or connections help prepare you for your career path?
I spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist. When I was in high school, my newspaper project was selected for the state fair. The state fair judge happened to be a reporter at the Springfield State-Register. Later, in my professional life, that paper and the paper I worked for were owned by the same parent companies, making us professional colleagues.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to enter your career path?
Today I work in digital marketing, which encompasses search engine optimization, online advertising, social media and more. My biggest advice for someone who wants to join this industry (or become a journalist, my prior industry), is to be curious. Always be learning! And 4-H is a great way to do that - try new projects, meet new people, experience new opportunities.

What did you learn through 4-H that benefits you today?
I credit all of my public speaking skills from the talks and demonstrations we would give at club meetings. Serving as a club officer has also been beneficial - at one point, I was called to do jury duty. Before deliberations could start, the jury was asked to select a foreman. No one wanted to do it. Yet, despite being the youngest in the room, I volunteered. I figured if I could be 4-H president and lead my club, I could lead a jury room! (I also can repair and replace loose buttons, thanks to 4-H.)

How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills today?
I vividly remember being 8 years old and having to give my first speech at a 4-H meeting. I was talking about cat care, and opted to wear cat ears and draw whiskers on my face. There was a big age range in our club, so I was a little 2nd grader giving a speech to high school seniors. The support they gave made me realize that it was OK to get up in front of people and not be afraid to look a little silly. That's been a huge benefit in my professional life when I've had to speak in public.

What advice would you give a current 4-H member?
I'm blessed to be the mother of a Cloverbud! I always tell her to enjoy it - have fun, get to know the other kids. My daughter is a fourth-generation Henry County 4-H member. Her mother, grandparents and great-grandfathers all participated, and it's wonderful to continue that family tradition. I'd also tell other 4-H'ers to feel free to pick projects that might be out of their comfort zone. Learn new things, enjoy the experience.

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