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"4-H taught me that hard work you put in today provides opportunities in the future that you may not know are coming to you. I learned to network with others and that with hard work and passion you can never steer yourself wrong."

Years in 4-H

Student at the University of Illinois, College of ACES

Favorite 4-H Projects:  Beef, Rabbits, Cooking

How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills today?

4-H helped me step out of my “shy stage” and be open to meeting new people and using my voice as a positive voice for agriculture.

Did 4-H instill a career path for you?

I grew up showing cattle and through my 4-H Beef project I was able to continue my career in the agriculture industry.

What advice do you have for someone who is interested in your career path?

I love my career path in HR because there are so many different opportunities. I would advise anyone not to limit themselves to a career specific to your major. You can do anything you want and set your mind to!

What advice would you give a current 4-H member?

Don’t limit yourself to projects you know how to do. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new!

Why should young people join 4-H today?

I think now more than ever 4-H is important to teach young individuals the importance of agriculture and how you can play a role without “being on a farm".

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