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Teachable moments come in all shapes and sizes. Now, when those unexpected moments occur, parents and educators can rely on the new Terrific Teachable Moments mobile app to help them take advantage in convenient and meaningful ways.

Terrific Teachable Moments is a simple, activity-based teaching resource developed by University of Illinois Extension. Now available as an app on both Android ™ and IOS™ smart devices, the program allows teachers, parents, and youth mentors to provide simple, hands-on learning experiences designed to help kids of all ages develop emotional awareness and make positive character choices. The versatile learning tool can be used both at home and in classroom settings to reinforce behaviors such as helping others, honesty, compassion, problem-solving, and self-control.

The app includes over 150 mini lessons and each can be done in under 10 minutes. Lessons are based on the 4-H Youth Development framework of experiential learning, that leads kids to participate in a short activity, reflect on the experience, and apply what they learn by connecting it to real-life situations. 

Lessons in the app are grouped into four distinct age-appropriate books or sections: Pre-K to Grade 2Grades 3 to 6Grades 7 to 12, and Families. Straightforward menu navigation allows users to find appropriate lessons within each section by searching for type of behavior, character pillarSEL learning standard, or lesson title.

All activities reinforce core socio-emotional learning competencies, developed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), as well as teach the six pillars of character: caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility, and trustworthiness, established by CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition's Six Pillars of Character®.

JUNIOR HIGH PRINCIPAL: "Terrific Teachable Moments is a wonderful classroom resource. It addresses a nice variety of topics and lives up to its name. TTM can be used with a wide range of students and gives teachers a great opportunity to make connections with students on a social and emotional level."

FAMILY LIFE EXPERT: "Sometimes we need a little support to address a child’s positive or negative behavior at that specific moment. The new app is a great resource to put quick, simple, intentional activities right at your fingertips."

Find the right mini lesson for the moment by searching within the menu at top left.

  • Search for a specific behavior you wish to reinforce or correct, like honesty or courage. 
  • Select a lesson that reinforces one of the Six Pillars of Character: Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness.
  • Explore lessons that support social emotional learning standards.
  • Or, use a quick word search to find a favorite activity.

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Download the TTM app for FREE from the App Store® or Google Play ™ on your connected smart device. After download, use the app straight from your smart device without needing an active WiFi or internet connection.

Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google LLC. App Store is a registered trademark of Apple. IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.

Key Concepts

  • Communication
  • Community Service
  • Healthy Living
  • Leadership
  • Personal Development
  • Personal Safety

For Youth Grades Pre-K through 12

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