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Award Year

Barbara Shelton Hundley, of Champaign, grew up on a farm in Central Illinois and was active in the Marowbone Merry Makers 4-H Club for 12 years, along with her twin, Beverly, and her mother, who was the leader of the club. Many trips were made in the family car to county and state events to show clothing and food projects. Barbara gives credit to her years in 4-H for her ability to coach and mentor others and providing her with steller experiences and a solid heritage of helping to make the best better.

In 1977, a job opportunity arose at the University of Illinois and Barbara began a 30-year career at the university. Beginning as assistant director of career development and placement, she later created and developed the Alumni Career Center in Chicago to serve graduates of Illinois. She retired in 2007 as associate chancellor of alumni relations and vice president of the U of I Alumni Association.

Barbara has been the recipient of many honors and awards throughout her career and has served on numerous committees. She continues to serve others in her retirement, another attribute of a 4-H Alumni Award recipient.

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