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April 14, 2024  |  UIUC  |  Regional qualification required

Demonstrate your knowledge of equine related subject matter in a competitive setting where attitudes of  friendliness and fairness prevail. The contest operates very similar to scholastic bowls at school except all the questions relate to horses! Participants do not need to have horses or be enrolled in the horse project to participate. 

Participation in regional contests is open to any youth within Illinois 4-H.  Any 4-H member that wants to participate must be registered for the contest through their county extension office.  Participants must qualify for the contest as part of a team at their respective regional Horse Bowl Contest.  Here is a map of the regions.

Youth with an interest and knowledge in horses won’t want to miss this exciting opportunity.  Junior teams include 4-H members age 8 to 13 as of Jan. 1 of the current year. Senior teams are 14 and older as of Jan. 1 of the current year.

Regional Qualifying Contests

Regional qualifying contests take place each March or April on a date selected by the regional contest hosts.  Only youth who qualify in a regional contest may compete in the state horse bowl contest, held in April on University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus.  Contact your region for information on regional contest dates (click here for a map of the regions):

Required Documents

2024 Horse Bowl Rules & Entry Forms

Additional Horse Contest Information: 


Open to youth who were 8 to 18 years of age on January 1, of the current year. Winners advance from regional competition to the state contest. Junior division: (8 to 13), Senior division: (14 to 18)

Contact for More Information

Equine Extension Specialist
Debra Hagstrom

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