4-H Volunteer Training: Volunteer Roles in Supporting Life Skill Development Training
Join us for an upcoming Volunteer Training scheduled for Thursday, March 27; 6:30 – 7:45 PM.
Creating a space where 4-H members can develop valuable life skills is a core element in helping youth thrive through the Illinois 4-H program! Join us for this interactive learning experience which will provide you with new ideas and strategies for guiding youth as they navigate daily experiences. Join us as we review resources designed to support volunteers and teens in leadership roles as they create positive learning experience in your club programs! This is a great opportunity to help the youth you support explore their full potential, and learn life skills which they will rely on into adulthood!
Please log on a few minutes early to check in.
Leaders, registration will be through ZSuites. Also, please encourage your teens serving in club leadership to attend as well.
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