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4-H College Application and Scholarship Virtual Series: Scholarships

Event Information

Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2023

4-H College Application and Scholarship Virtual Series: Scholarships

The end of high school means big decisions on the horizon. You might be launching into a new job or applying for college. Illinois 4-H knows that all these decisions can be challenging. That’s why we’re offering a 3-night series to help you with what comes next in your life after high school. Our college and career readiness specialist will walk through some of your top college related questions and topics like options for after high school, what are scholarships looking for and what should go into a personal statement. This is open to high school students, especially high school seniors, ready to apply for college for 2024!

All about Scholarships - November 1 at 6 p.m.: This introduction to the process of applying for scholarships addresses the basics of a scholarship application, along with tips on how to submit a successful application. It is designed to integrate high school resources while informing students of reputable sources of information.

Other sessions include:

How to write a compelling personal statement - October 11 at 5:30 p.m.: Learn how to prepare a strong application, what scholarship applications should include, how to write a personal statement, and how to nurture relationships with mentors.

College 101 - October 18 at 6 p.m.:  Typically, people hear college and assume it means living away from home to attend a 4-year university. This presentation covers detailed information about various post-secondary options and why it is important to start thinking about life after high school. Learn the types of colleges you can attend, how to research colleges, and the importance of college visits.

For additional information, contact college and career readiness specialist, Cindy Ogwal at

If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate, please contact: Cindy Ogwal

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