Award Year
For the last fourteen years, Lisa has volunteered in many 4-H roles. She is someone that is always willing to lend a hand and truly enjoys being part of the 4-H program. As a club leader, she was very organized and always made everyone feel like they belonged. She knows how much the 4-H program can give members and always wants them to take advantage of all the opportunities that
they are presented. At the county level, Lisa has served as a general project show facilitator, chaperone for Federation and Ambassador Events, she has helped set-up for the 4-H Federation Food Stand, and taught Super Saturday classes. Whenever the Extension Office asks for a volunteer she steps – up to help out. Currently, Lisa is serving as the treasurer for the DeKalb County 4-H Foundation. Lisa is one of those individuals that you are proud to have on your team, as she really makes a positive difference.