Award Year
Melvin, Illinois

Jimmy Moore is the Hall of Fame nominee from Ford County this year.  Jimmy, a 4-H alumnus from Livingston County, was active in Ford County 4-H while his children were 4-H members and has continued for many years even after they moved on into adulthood. Jimmy assisted other Ford County volunteers with labor during the initial construction of the current 4-H exhibition building on the fairgrounds.  For the first few years, limestone was spread on the floor of the 4-H building for a clean look for fair visitors.  Early every morning during fair week, Jimmy and his brother could be found in the 4-H building watering the limestone down to avoid the powdery dust in the air and on all the 4-H projects on display.  That “tradition” continued until the floor of the exhibit building was graveled and finally concreted.  Jimmy has also been an annual volunteer to help with clean up of the 4-H building prior to and after fair week. In addition, Jimmy has served as grade recorder and 4-H fair superintendent for Mechanics and Technology at the Ford County Fair.