Award Year

50 year leader of the Sunshine Pals 4-H Club

Why did she start leading 4-H 50 years ago and was it worth it? Lavanda Joergens started a Home Economic 4-H club called the Sunshine Pals in 1956.The twelve girls she started with were looking for a leader because they wanted to be in the county and community. At that time, Lavanda did not envision that she would continue as leader for the next three generations of these members and community.The pride she has felt when one of her members would look her in the eyes and they announced what accomplishment they achieved - their project making it to State Fair - is what has made her stay and truly believe in 4-H. 4-H was to be a time for social fun but also learning how meetings were to be held; what the officer's responsibilities were; why record keeping was so important and how to give talks and demonstrations in front of the club. Lavanda helped direct hundreds of youth over the years. If volunteer hours would make a person wealthy then she is worth a million.