Award Year
14 year leader of the Town & Country Helpers 4-H Club

Kevin Runyon is finishing his 14th year as a co-leader with his wife, Crystal, for the Town and Country Helpers 4-H Club in Piper City. Under their joint leadership, this club has been very active in some innovative community service projects. For example, the club helped Ford County make and place the 911 markers for all the rural adreses in the Piper city area. In addition, a few years ago, they made available the new slow moving vehicle (SMV) signs to assist farmers in complying with new state regulations for farm equipment. Club members and leaders participate in the in the Adopt-a-Highway program four times each  year to do a roadside clean up in their area. This active 4-H community club asks each member to bring a can of something to each 4-H meeting to donate to the local food pantry --- November-corn, December-peas, etc. The club has also been active in several beautification projects in the area. Their community pride and spirit are a credit to leaders such as Kevin and his wife, Crystal. Kevin has been involved in various committees at the county level as well. He is a frequent visitor to the Ford-Iroquois Extension office to stay abreast of 4-H events. Kevin has been a member of the Ford-Iroquois Youth Committee for several years, presently serving as Vice Chairman of the group. Kevin's name often apears on the annual 4-H club audit committee for the Unit. He has also been a Swine Superintendent at the Ford County Fair for many years and helps with swine tattooing every year. Kevin is a strong advocate of animal ethics and frequently shares concerns and offers solutions and insight to local staff members on this important life skill. The graveyard shift (midnight to 6 a.m.) is often a hard time slot to find volunteer parents. The Runyons have willingly agreed to be chaperones for many a 4-H Federation overnight Lock-In. Kevin has also served as a project leader at the club and county level for 4-Hers enrolled in swine. He consistently encourages all youth, not just his own three children, to develop leadership skills through 4-H Federation, Jr. Leaders and club officers. Kevin does not seek recognition for his efforts; he just does what needs to be done always keeping the end result in mind.