Award Year

10 year member of the Loyal Opportunities 4-H Club; 4 year club leader of the Loyal Opportunities 4-H Club; 34 year Extension advisor

Harry joined 4-H at age 10, participating in many projects including gardening and wiring. He harvested and sold the vegetables he grew, raised rabbits, banty chickens and goats, and attended 4-H camp at Camp Shaw-wa-na-see. Harry started his career with Extension in 1957 in Fulton County.  In 1964, he moved to Pike County where he retired in 1990 after three decades of 4-H camp, local fairs, state fairs, Extension Councils, and electricity schools. During free time at 4H Camp, Harry taught kids to carve and play guitar. He took 4-H'ers to National 4-H Congress and Washington DC Focus, helped establish Western Illinois 4-H Camp in Jacksonville and won the Pike County 4-H Alumni award. He still volunteers many hours providing education for 4-H youngsters and judging livestock.