Award Year

30 year leader of the Iroquois Concord Boosters 4-H Club in Iroquois County

Pat Orr has always enjoyed working with youth of all ages. She feels they need someone to show an interest in them and serve as a role model. Her laughter and enthusiasm are contagious to those who know her and appreciate her tireless efforts. Pat Orr has been a loyal 4-H volunteer for many years in this county. During this time, she has worn many hats. Pat has been a dedicated 4-H community club leader, giving back to today's youth some of the life skills she learned as a 4-H member. In addition, Pat served as a fair superintendent for Personal Development and was a long-time Youth Committee member. The annual Pork Chop BBQ was successfully coordinated for many years by Pat. Recognition for Excellence was a major focus of Pat's efforts. She encouraged young people to apply for awards. Pat also served as a judge at the county, multi-county, and state 4-H shows.