Award Year

Member of the Rural Youth (4-H Alumni Organization); 35 year leader of the Cameron Kids 4-H Club in Warren County

Marge Hennenfent and her husband, Jack, have hosted 9 international students in their home including youth from Belgium and Denmark. The student from Denmark became the first international student to work at the National 4-H headquarters in Washington, D.C. Marge is involved in every 4-H activity that is offered at the county level. She always makes sure her members are aware of activities and provides a way for them to attend. She also takes advantage of volunteer conferences that are offered. She is always looking for new ways to keep young people interested in 4-H and their community. Some of her other accomplishments include 30 years as a volunteer and Art Presenter at Warren School, a lector at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Galesburg, and 35 years as a member of the Home and Community Education Association where she has served in various leadership capacities. In 1967, Marge went to Sweden with the International Foreign Youth Exchange and then gave talks to various organizations about her experiences. Marge has also been involved with the Extension Council and other community organizations.