Award Year

40 year leader of the Somerset Clovers 4-H Club in Jackson County

Over the past 40 years, Lawanda Fager has opened her home to several 4-H exchange students. She continues today to volunteer her time and energy to Extension and 4-H. You might see her pulling weeds out of the flowers at the Extension office or picking tomatoes out of the community garden. She never complains but rather focuses her efforts on being a positive influence to young people today. She directs her 4-H club members and they respect her authority. She guides by example and always with passion and compassion. She doesn't look for praise for herself but is quick to provide praise to others. She has been a true leader not in word but in deeds. The community recognized her contributions to Jackson County 4-H with an award in her honor called The Lawanda Fager Service Award. She has received numerous awards recognizing her community and 4-H service.