Award Year
32 year leader of the Grandview Pioneers 4-H Club in Edgar County

Adaline Glatthaar became a 4-H Leader in the early 1970s, naming the new club "Grandview Pioneers". She chose 4-H for its reputation as a positive youth program and saw 4-H as the best avenue for providing a positive framework for youth. Well before the rest of the county acknowledged the need, she incorporated Health Education and Drug Prevention into the club and community. The hundreds of pine trees that her 4-H members planted in the Grandview area are now 4-H landmarks in the community. Annual activities of her club include a wiener roast, pizza party, and community service projects. Adaline says there is good in every young person and that there is something special that each child can do. She loves and respects each member; and in turn, each member loves and respects her.