"4-H was the first time I needed to coordinate groups of people to work toward a goal. It provided opportunities to practice, to try new approaches and even to fail and recover."
B.S. '98, MAcc '99, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Accountant, Partner
Favorite 4-H Projects: Clothing & Foods
Did any of your 4-H project skills, experiences or connections help prepare you for your career path?
While my projects didn’t directly influence my career path, I still draw on my leadership, organizational and speaking skills that that have their origins in 4-H. And I can hem my own suit pants!
What advice do you have for someone who wants to enter your career path?
Accounting isn’t at all what they tell you in school. It’s not about math (Excel does all that), it’s about solving business problems and organizing and analyzing information to facilitate good decision making.
What did you learn through 4-H that benefits you today?
4-H was where I first learned to lead others toward a goal, to manage my time, to plan an event, to run a meeting and so much more. And I can sew because I learned it in 4-H.
How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills today?
4-H was the first time I needed to coordinate groups of people to work toward a goal. It provided opportunities to practice, to try new approaches and even to fail and recover.
What advice would you give a current 4-H member?
Don’t let your fear or anxiety stop you from getting involved and being active in your local club. Try new project areas, participate in the service projects, mentor the newer members. It’s not about the paperwork, it’s about trying new things and growing as a result.
Do you currently volunteer or have volunteered with the 4-H program? If so, in what capacity.
I started and ran a 4-H shooting sports club until earlier this year.