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"Leadership, citizenship, teamwork, goal setting and a never give up attitude are all things I learned in 4-H that have helped me on my life journey."

Years in 4-H

B.S. '90 Agriculture Education, Illinois State University


4-H Program Coordinator, Boone County, University of Illinois Extension

Favorite 4-H Projects:  Dairy, Sheep & Cooking

How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills today?

4-H gave me the opportunity to explore what it was like to be a leader. I attended a variety of workshops and conferences along the way that challenged me to get more involved. I served on various committees and I think I served in every officer role. All of these experiences helped me to improve my public speaking skills and gave me a foundation that has served me well on my life journey.

Did 4-H instill a career path for you?

I have always loved working with youth and my experiences in 4-H definitely prepared me teach Agriculture for 5 years, and to serve as the 4-H Program coordinator in Boone County for 5 years. In addition, my husband and I have been dairy farmers our entire adult life.

What advice do you have for someone who is interested in your career path?

If you think you would like to work with youth someday, get involved in a teen teaching program. It will really help you develop skills you will need working with both youth and adults. Also, just get involved in a variety of different activities so you have a broad knowledge base for the future.

What advice would you give a current 4-H member?

Get everything. There are so many great opportunities in 4-H, try them all! When you find the ones you love the most, keep challenging and pushing yourself to learn more. Oh, and don't forget to have fun and make friends along the way!

Why should young people join 4-H today?

4-H gives youth the opportunity to be leaders and to get involved in their community. It helps young people learn, grow, and make new friends. It helps you develop skills you will use throughout your life.

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