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"4-H reinforced my desire to be in agriculture, animal agriculture primarily. 4-H taught me public speaking, parliamentary procedure, demonstration & livestock judging skills."

Years in 4-H

B.S. '69, Ag Science/Ag Economics, University of Illinois


President & CEO, Purina Mills, Retired (Purina career: 1969-1996); University of Illinois Board of Trustees (2009 -2021)

Favorite 4-H Projects:  Beef, Sheep, Swine, Crops, Electricity

How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills today?

Making talks and demonstrations at an early age was especially valuable to help me overcome shyness and apprehension of speaking in public. Assuming leadership positions in local club was also early leadership development

Did any of your 4-H projects instill a career path for you?

Reinforced my desire to be in agriculture, animal agriculture primarily, but not necessarily my ultimate career.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to enter your career path?

As Orion Samuelson says...“You cannot Dream Big Enough”. Anything is possible... figure out who you are and pursue your passion. The sooner you figure it out, the sooner you will be ready to pursue what you do well... and what you like to do... then you will never be unhappy with your career!

What advice would you give a current 4-H member?

Take advantage of every activity, speaking, leadership activity available as early in your 4-H career as possible

Why should young people join 4-H today?

A great way to begin to develop inter-personal skills early

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