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"I learned the importance of volunteering and 4-H provided me skills for networking and public speaking."

Years in 4-H

B.S. '71 Animal Sciences, University of Illinois; M.S. '72 Animal Sciences, University of Illinois


Farm Manager, Agrivest, Inc.

Favorite 4-H Projects:  Livestock Projects

How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills today?

By being an officer in a local club, I learned parliamentary procedure and leadership.

Did 4-H instill a career path for you?


What advice do you have for someone who is interested in your career path?

Learn technology and how to apply it. Be creative. Be able to listen and solve problems.

What advice would you give a current 4-H member?

Take advantage of all the years you have in 4-H. Get involved and volunteer!

Why should young people join 4-H today?

Youth will learn life skills, how to work in groups, teaching and volunteering. They will learn how to be a member of a team, which is so important in today's workforce.

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