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"There is always something new to learn."

Years in 4-H

Barat College - Economics



Favorite 4-H Projects: Foods, Flower Arranging, Clothing, Photography, Party a Month

What did you learn through 4-H that benefits you today?
There is always something new to learn.

What advice would you give a current 4-H member?
Share your talents and skills with others.

Do you currently volunteer or have volunteered with the 4-H program? If so, in what capacity.
4-H Leader, 10 years - 1990's; Illinois State Fair Jr. Department Advisory Committee late 1990's; Currently, Illinois State Fair judge last several years for Foods Clothing, Passport; Colorado county judge for 4 counties over several years since 2014, various projects. Colorado State Fair judge for Public Speaking contest - 1 year. Several years photographed 4-H activities for the county 4-H agent in the San Luis Valley.

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