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"4-H was my leadership foundation. Writing reports, parliamentary procedure, being accountable to complete things and multi tasking are things I learned in 4-H."

Years in 4-H

B.S. '95 Political Science & Public Relations, Illinois State University; Masters of Public Administration (MPA) '99, University of Illinois at Springfield


City Clerk, City of Elkader, Iowa

Favorite 4-H Projects:  Foods and Nutrition

How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills today?

4-H was my leadership foundation. I continued to take leadership training in college and in my professional life but 4-H laid the foundation. It gave you the opportunity to take on leadership roles within your club and see if that was something that was a fit for you - it wasn't for everyone. And then you could continue at the county level. Just about anything we did as a club (service projects, etc.) someone needed to lead the group and it helped you learn to work with a diverse group of people, listen to all voices, mediate problems and reach a compromise, lead by example, how to motivate others to work toward a common goal, etc.

Did 4-H instill a career path for you?

I also took projects such as Leadership and Citizenship and those directly relate to the government career path I took.

What advice do you have for someone who is interested in your career path?

Public service is very rewarding and if you are interested in helping people and doing something different everyday, consider this as a career. You do need to have a "thick skin" though as people are more demanding of the services we provide and less diplomatic about things now.

What advice would you give a current 4-H member?

4-H gives you the opportunity to try so many different things - take advantage of it! You might find a whole new hobby or career interest.

Why should young people join 4-H today?

I think young people should join 4-H today because it gives you the opportunity to try lots of different project areas and helps you grow as a person. Employers have indicated that the "soft skills" or "people skills" are often lacking in recent grads, but 4-H can help you develop those "soft skills."

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