4-H Memorial Camp, Family Camp Retreats!
Come out and enjoy all that the camp has to offer as a family! Experience rock climbing, zip lining, archery, hayrack rides, campfires, crafts, cardboard boat racing, and many other fun activities. Fishing our 16 acre lake is extremely popular with campers! All meals are included starting with Friday Dinner and ending with Sunday Brunch. Our staff and volunteers lead activities so you can focus on enjoying the experience!
Activities: While at camp you can swim, boat, shoot archery, climb the rock wall, ride the zipline, make arts & crafts, fish, take hayrack rides, participate in S.T.E.M. activities, hike, make s’mores and so much more!
Required: At least one participant per family must be 4-H age (5-18 years old). Due to the nature of Family Camp, a parent, guardian or responsible adult must stay with the children in their care for the duration of their camp session.
Spring 2025
Our Reel Adventure Family Fish Camp May 2-4, 2025 is our regular Family Camp program with additional fishing activities and volunteers. This is a great option if some of your family/group really want to fish and others want to do all the other fun camp activities. Information about this is available at https://4h.extension.illinois.edu/events/4-h-memorial-camp/reel-adventure-family-fishing-camp .
Fall 2025
Dates coming soon!
Cabin Details:
Each Family gets their own cabin. You are welcome to share a cabin with extended family and/or friends if you would like. Each cabin has 5 sets of bunk beds (10 beds total), outlets by every bed, a built in fan, and heat if needed. Cabins are in sets with a covered porch connecting the buildings.
Bathroom/shower buildings are located in the cabin areas and will be assigned male or female.
For more information, contact:
Andrew Davis ardavis1@illinois.edu
Niki Hoesman hoesman2@illinois.edu
Monika Hammerschmidt hammersc@illinois.edu
Phone: (217) 762-2741