Illinois 4-H offers a wide range of recognition opportunities for every type of 4-H involvement. Club Award and Experience Award applications must be submitted from your local Extension office, so check with your office for their deadline! The Illinois 4-H Sustaining the Future of Agriculture Award application and Illinois 4-H Scholarships are submitted electronically directly to the State 4-H office. The deadline for the following: 4-H Experience Awards (Diamond and Emerald levels only) and Illinois 4-H Scholarships is November 1, 2024. Deadline for the club awards is October 1, 2024. The deadline for Illinois 4-H Sustaining the Future of Agriculture Award Award is November 1, 2024. the basic recognition a member receives just by being part of the program. There isn't any application process to win... you simply get it for being you! This recognition happens at your club and county program and might include things such as a welcoming message in the newsletter, a shout out on social media, a 4-H membership card, t-shirt, or other special treat.
EXPERIENCE...offers recognition for members who participate in activities and events. There is always lots you can do as a 4-H member ranging from club activities to national events. There is no limit to the number of members who can achieve each level... if you do the work, you get the award. where competition kicks in. At this level, you will be competing against other 4-H members for a very limited number of top awards. There is a chance you may win, and there is a chance you may not win. Be sure you understand that before you apply.
Any 4-H member, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, or disability may compete in county and state 4-H award programs.

4-H Club Recognition
Recognition and awards have been an important part of 4-H. From the earliest days of 4-H, we have known that the wise use of recognition helps motivate youth. Recognition encourages young people and increases their interest in the opportunities that are available to them. Volunteers and professionals have used recognition as one way to help young people become more capable and competent young adults.

Illinois 4-H Experience Award for Individuals
The Experience Award offers recognition for members who participate in activities and events. There are always lots of activities you can do as a 4-H member ranging from club to national events.

Illinois 4-H Sustaining the Future Award
The Illinois 4-H Sustaining the Future Award was created to recognize 4-H members who have exemplified outstanding leadership within the agricultural industry. (Formerly known as the LCP Award)

4-H Scholarships
The Illinois 4-H Program provides several different ways for members to apply for educational scholarships. All of the following scholarship programs are available on a competitive basis:

Holstein-Friesian Association Award
Members must be enrolled in the Dairy project and exhibit Holstein dairy animals at the county 4-H show.

Illinois 4-H Electricity Award
This award recognizes 4-H members who excel in the 4-H electricity project.