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Illinois 4-H Experience Award for Individuals

The Experience Award offers recognition for members who participate in activities and events. There are always lots of activities you can do as a 4-H member ranging from club to national events.


Open to 4-H members of all ages.


Download the Experience Award Application below for Individuals and save to your computer. You can also check out the award tip sheet and example provided below. We encourage you to work on this application throughout the year. Your county will provide you a local application deadline. Complete the application listing your experiences during one year in these 4 areas:

  • Participation
  • Community Service
  • Leadership
  • Project Learning


Bronze, Silver, & Gold Clover Award winners receive county recognition. Diamond and Emerald Clover Award winners will be recognized at the state level and receive 4-H apparel. There is no limit to the number of members who can achieve each level... if you do the work, you get the award.

Your award level is determined by how many experiences you do in each area:

  • Bronze Clover Award: Complete at least 1 experience in each of the four dimensions.
  • Silver Clover Award: Complete at least 2 experiences in each of the four dimensions; at least 2 of those experiences must be at the County level or beyond.
  • Gold Clover Award: Complete 4 experiences in each of the four dimensions; at least 2 of those experiences must be BEYOND the County level.
  • Diamond Clover Award: Complete 6 or more experiences in ONE dimension; at least 4 of those experiences must be BEYOND the County level.
  • Emerald Clover Award: Complete 8 or more experiences in ONE dimension; at least 4 of those experiences must be BEYOND the County level PLUS at least 2 must be at the State or National level.

SPONSOR - Illinois 4-H Foundation and its Project Partners

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