Upcoming Events
The Illinois 4-H Alumni Association will host opportunities for 4-H alumni to network throughout the year. We look forward for opportunities to connect with you and hear your 4-H stories! Watch for upcoming events!

Be part of history at our inaugural Illinois 4-H Alumni event!
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Schedule of Events:
- 6:00 p.m. - Registration followed by networking & exploring the new John Deere equipment on-site.
- 6:30 p.m. - Dinner
- 7:00 p.m. - Program
- 8:00 p.m. - Adjourn
Location: John Deere & Company Demo Site, 11001 117th St. #1, Coal Valley, IL 61240
Cost: $30 per person (includes a delicious BBQ buffet, sides, dessert, and a beverage)
Highlights of the Evening:
- Network with fellow alumni and friends: Reconnect and make new connections with members of the Illinois 4-H program and the Illinois 4-H Alumni Association.
- Exclusive John Deere Demo Site Exploration: Get an insider's look at the John Deere training program & hear from the John Deere Technology Leadership team members. Explore the impressive new equipment on site & up close as your arrive.
- Inspiring Updates – Featured Speakers
- Dr. Kevin Carey – Interim Assistant Dean and Director of Illinois 4-H, sharing the exciting future of 4-H and how the program prepares youth to be Beyond Ready!
- Curt Sinclair – State 4-H Specialist, will introduce a new & innovative youth safety in agriculture program, called "Ride Right Rally" to address the rising number of accidents involving machines with wheels including ATV/UTV, Mowing, Bicycle and Small Tractor safety.
- 4-H Youth Members – Hear firsthand from two inspiring young leaders about how 4-H has shaped their lives and set them up for success.
- Illinois 4-H Foundation & Alumni Association – Representatives will provide key updates on programming and alumni engagement.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and celebrate the impact of Illinois 4-H!
Additional 4-H Alumni Events are being planned, watch for more information to come!
Don't miss out!
Registration will launch February 12, 2025

Seeking Illinois 4-H History!
Weare in the final phase of the Illinois 4-H History project gathering of stories, momentos and memories! What wonderful contributions we ahve received thus far. If you have items to be donated or additional items to share, please contact Tina Veal, Illinois 4-H Alumni & Constituent Engagement Manager.
Past Events:
Did you miss the Illinois 4-H Town Hall? What a wonderful evening of youth sharing how 4-H has impacted their lives, learning about youth leadership opportunities, and our leadership sharing about the Illinois 4-H program, Illinois Extension, and updates from the National 4-H Council Board of Trustees. We are fortunate to have outstanding leaders and staff in Illinois to guide the Illinois 4-H program and build our next generation of leaders.
The Illinois 4-H Virtual Town Hall is now available online. We hope you will take the time to listen and learn about Illinois 4-H today and our plans for the future. We know you each have a passion for the Illinois 4-H program as an alumni or friend of the 4-H program, and you care about the next generation of youth and the impacts they will make on our communities and state. We hope you will continue to advocate and share your 4-H story! We have a lot to be proud of!