Our 4-H Impact
Employers say many new employees lack basic skills to be productive in the workforce. Lack of available workers challenge the economic viability of families, businesses, and communities across Illinois. Some youth lack knowledge of preparing a personal budget and managing personal income to pay monthly bills. Others may not understand how career and educational choices affect salaries.
Illinois is creating pathways to successful careers by exposing youth to project areas of interest and mentors who can guide their development.
The 4-H experience builds awareness of careers and skills needed to excel. 4-H youth gained an understanding of the financial processes which help them better manage their funds. 4-H youth now understand the role education plays in potential career goals.

"I liked being able to do hands-on activities in the subjects that I love. I also liked that there were activities where our groups had fun and interacted together."
-Illini Summer Academies Youth Participant