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4-H teens meet with politician

Our 4-H Impact


Cities and towns lack financial support for efforts that would enhance the community. Youth lack understanding of how governments work and how to advocate for change. Youth need opportunities to practice generosity and philanthropy. In order for youth to succeed in the 21st century workforce, it is critical they possess knowledge and understanding of other countries, cultures, and languages.


Service is the foundational basis of the 1,700 4-H clubs in Illinois. 4-H opportunities empower youth to be leaders in a global society by deepening their cultural awareness and respect for difference. International exchange programs for youth have provide authentic international experiences for youth that help them develop into culturally aware, global citizens as adults.


Illinois 4-H grows confident kids who tackle the issues that matter most in their local communities. Youth know local and state government officials and can discuss the footprint and impact of 4-H in Illinois. Youth can effectively and confidently inform and motivate people.

4-H grows confident kids who tackle the issues that matter most in their local communities.

4-H Youth Changemakers are ready to create positive change

Youth Changemakers is a new initiative that helps youth find their voice, interpret data, and develop an understanding of civil discourse and how to interact with those that have different opinions.

In their local communities, teens conduct a local needs assessment as the first step of Changemakers.  This might mean talking to stakeholders and other teens, or looking at local data about their community to help them decide what project or initiative would be the most impactful.  Youth then figure out the best audience to reach to make change happen - such as local leadership, business leaders, boards, or community members!

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